Monday, April 09, 2007

MM Idol Challenge #6

It is that time has opened for the next round of MM Idol - go HERE. You will notice that there are no names or recognizable family pictures associated with any of the entries. They wanted this challenge to be a truly anonymous project - for the focus to be on the technique and not the person. The technique was to do something new with chipboard.

There are several things I have loved about these challenges each week, the first is the parameters. I like limits. I truly believe - for me - that limits and boundaries cultivate creativity. I'm a little leary about this project though, espcially after seeing the other fabulous creations by the other 4 finalists. They are pretty amazing! I have also enjoyed Wilna's encouraging words on the Making Memories blog. She was the first MM Idol last year and if you have ever seen her stuff, you know why. I look forward to her weekly inspiration and have been able to learn something new every time.

So, if you haven't voted yet - get to it!

1 comment:

CathQuillScrap said...

I've gone to vote... hope I picked you... your stuff has been awesome!!! Good luck.
