Thursday, January 03, 2008

a star is born...

Okay - new obsession for the Whittaker family, or actually really for me... Guitar Hero. Santa was extremely good to us this year and brought us our very first game system (XBox 360) - yeah, we have never had one before. Mostly because I know that I would be the one to play it for insane hours on end...but, it was time. Along with the system came Guitar Hero II and III as well as Rock Band. It's my fault really - while at Best Buy a few months before Christmas to buy Chloe's birthday present, we came across these games hooked up and ready to hook anyone who wanted to give it a go. Right away I loved it. With years of playing the violin, I could "sight-read" pretty well and even had the guys who worked at the store commenting on my jamming skills. Naturally, I knew what I would be asking Santa for. Our little ones are a little young to really get into it, but they like to pretend.

It's weird to be back into the swing of things again. The kids are back in school and various lessons are starting to pick up. Taking time off is nice. Makes me want a little more simplification. After all, not having to drive kid A to destination B makes for more guitar thrashing fun for me! We still haven't put our Christmas decorations away - I'm finishing up some assignments for the Making Memories blog as well as an album class for CKConventions. Plus, we need more boxes to put the new stuff in. New house = more need for decorations = more boxes to put the crap in.

I do have a few goals for this next year. I'm not going to say resolution because I think it has a built in failure to finish conntation about it. Goal is better - for me.

1- Daily family prayer is a big one. We are really going to focus and make this one work.

2- Continue spinning classes - hopefully Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays; although that 5:00 AM alarm seems earlier and earlier. I think our family prayer will help us all unwind and settle down to a restful and adaquate nights sleep.

3- I've been reading about these 365 - a picture a day albums. The idea is intriguing but a little too huge for me. I'm going to do a weekly album. Same idea as the picture a day, but I'll pick my favorite shot of the week and do a recap - organizing my thoughts and memories. It will be in a 9x9 format. I hope to post them every Sunday here - we'll see.

4- Other stuff. I'm sure I'll think of something else once I get my Christmas mess cleaned up and put away. There are a few things I intend to do, but don't want to spill the beans yet.

1 comment:

{Lara} said...

So good to see you here again! Will catch up with you soon.